Air, Soil & Water

photo of dramatic sunset on Lake Air, Soil & Water

Three natural resources that are necessary to support life, and sustainably managed forests play a large role in keeping them clean and abundant. 


Forests improve the quality of the air we breathe by removing particulates from the air such as pollen, smoke, ash, and dust.

Forests also remove other harmful pollutants from the air, such as nitrogen oxides, ammonia, and ground level ozone, all which can all cause health issues in humans.  


Soil is an important component of a managed forest ecosystem and contributes directly to a forest’s diversity of plant and tree species.

Forests help prevent soil erosion by reducing the impact of heavy rains on the forest floor.  Tree roots provide support to the soil and help keep soil in place on steep slopes. Forests also help maintain soil fertility through natural nutrient cycling.


Managed forests play a vital role in maintaining water quality by collecting and filtering rainfall, cleaning and purifying it before that water enters our streams, rivers, lakes, and groundwater.

Forests also hold the soil in place, preventing erosion and the introduction of sediment into our waterways.